Based in Massachusetts, Janice Zajchowski is a global enterprise account executive at Oracle, where she manages Fortune 10 accounts. Janice Zajchowski enjoys staying active in her community as a volunteer, and contributes to the Hale House and the New England Center and Home for Veterans.
The New England Center and Home for Veterans (NECHV) is based in Boston and helps veterans who are facing or at-risk of homelessness by equipping them with tools for self-sufficiency. The nonprofit provides transitional housing, where veterans can stay while working with case managers and housing specialists to find permanent housing within 180 days. During this time, veterans also work to increase their income and achieve other goals of their choosing. Most veterans are expected to move on after 6 months, but extensions are available for those experiencing complexities or encountering other barriers.
The NECHV offers five transitional housing services, including Safe Haven, which is designed for veterans who have experienced long-term homelessness and struggle with mental health or substance use challenges, but are not ready for behavioral health services. Another program is GPD Clinical Treatment, a 40-bed dormitory for those who would benefit from behavioral health services.
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